Read more about how Fietsknoop works.
Also watch our instruction videos in Dutch
+ Register and make an account website
Register via You will immediately receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your registration. This is to prevent misuse of your e-mail address.
Choose a unique Fietsknoop name. For example, add a punctuation mark or number.
+ Different passwords for website, tablet and phone?
No, an account can be used on any device, tablet or PC. The advantage of an account is that all data is synchronised. So you will find every route in your account on every device you log into.
The account symbol in the app is at the top of the page:
+ Register and create account in the app
Open the app.
Go to 'Account'.
Click on 'Create a Fietsknoop account'.
Fill in the correct information and click on the blue bar 'Send'. You will receive an email with a pin code for verification. Enter the code on the same screen in 'Account'.
NB: choose a unique Fietsknoop name. Provide it with e.g. a punctuation mark or a number.
+ Enter PIN for new account via app
When you create a new account, you will receive a pin code by e-mail.
Enter this pin code on the same screen in the app where the new account is entered, i.e. on the "Account" screen and then the 'Create account' button.
+ Log in to app or website
Go to 'Account'. Enter email address and password and click 'login'.
Log in with your account by clicking on the green 'Inloggen' button, in the blue top bar of the Fietsknoop website. Enter email address and password and click 'Inloggen'.
The website is only available in Dutch.
+ Change account details
On the 'Account' screen, your account details can be seen and changed.
Click on the dark blue 'Profile' button to change your Fietsknoopname, to add a profile picture or to change the password or email address.
Here you can also indicate whether you would like to receive the newsletter.
Log in at On your own page, select the blue 'Profiel' button. On the new page you can change your name, your email address, your password and upload your profile picture, and you can also indicate whether you would like to receive the newsletter.
NB: the website is only available in Dutch.
#account #profile #picture #password #email-address #newsletter
+ How to purchase Fietsknoop[+]Plus?
Purchasing Fietsknoop[+]Plus can be done in three different ways:
- Make an in app purchase using the button on your account screen
- follow the steps as indicated on our Plus page
- or transfer the right amount (as mentioned on the Plus page) to NL98INGB0007013781 (BIC INGBNL2A) in the name of Fietsknoop BV. Please clearly state your email address or your Fietsknoop name and your account number in the description. As soon as we have received your contribution, your account will be adjusted.
+ Altitude profile routes in app
The altitude profile of a route is visible in all routes, including gpx routes, for users with a Fietsknoop[+]Plus account (from app version 5.4.3, February 2024).
A route that is still 'under construction' does not yet contain an altitude profile. This only becomes visible after saving the route.
+ Add another person's route
Did you find a nice route via 'Search'? Add it quickly to your own route list.
Open the preferred route. On the overlay screen, you will see the red Add button.
Open the route you would like. On the right side of the map are some green buttons. Click on the Add button ('Toevoegen').
+ Friends
What are Friends?
A Friend is someone who, like you, has a Fietsknoop account, with whom you share your own cycling and walking routes.
How to add a Friend?
Open the 'Friends' screen.
Click on the '+' symbol.
Type the name of the person you are looking for in the text box.
Answer 'yes' to the question whether you would like to invite this person and an automatic email will be sent to him or her.
After confirming the friendship, you can see each other's routes, provided they are set to share with 'Friends'.
See also the instructional video on this at
+ Share routes on social media
Open your route in the app, from your Routes list. On the overlay screen, click on the social media share symbol:
Is this symbol not on your route's overlay screen? Then the route is still 'private'. Adjust this by clicking the archive symbol and changing the route to 'Everybody'.
+ Delete account
We are sorry you would like to unsubscribe and end your account.
On the app:
Go to your account page.
Click on the blue 'Profile' button.
Click on the red 'Delete account' button.
On the website:
Log in at
On your own page, choose the blue 'Profiel' (= profile) button at the top right of the screen. This will take you to the page where all your account details are stored.
Here you will find the option to delete your account.
What a pity!
+ Fietsknoop[+]Plus period and account number
on the 'Account'screen you will find your account number and the date until which your Fietsknoop[+]Plus account is still valid.
Log in to
Click on the blue 'Profile' button at the top right. On the new page you will find your account details.
+ Elevation profile routes
The elevation profile of a route is visible below the map of your own route, when you are logged in to your Fietsknoop[+]Plus account.
There is a triangle at the top right of the height profile. Clicking it hides the profile. Clicking it again shows the elevation profile again.
Handy, if you don't want to print the elevation profile.
In the top green bar of a route, you can find the 'elevation profile' symbol. Click it to see the elevation profile of the route.
+ Change password in app
Forgotten your password? Annoying.
Go to 'Account' and click the 'Password forgotten' button.
On the new 'Password' screen, enter your email address.
You will receive a pin code via e-mail.
Enter this pin code on the same 'Password' screen. The screen will show the place for the pin code, your new password and the confirmation of your new password.
Good luck!
+ Change email address
Open your account page in the app.
Click the blue Profile button.
Click Change email address.
Enter the new email address and your password. Click Save.
NB: Have you changed your email address but are unable to log in to your account?
Often a phone or PC automatically fills in previously used data, e.g. the old email address. Remove this, and type in the new email address yourself.
+ Change email address on the website
Log in to the website via the green button 'Inloggen', at the top right of the website, or via this link.
You will be directed to your own dashboard page. Here, click the blue Profile button, at the top right.
Change your email address here and save.
NB: Have you changed your email address but can't log in to your account?
Often a phone or PC automatically fills in previously used data, for example the old email address. Delete this data and enter the new e-mail address yourself.
+ unsubscribe newsletter
No longer wish to receive the monthly newsletter? Simply unsubscribe by clicking on the word 'hier' (= here) in the bottom green bar of the newsletter.
+ Deleting saved routes
Open your list 'Routes'.
For iOS: move the route to be deleted to the left and click on the red 'delete' button.
For Android: click a bit longer on the route name in the list (so-called long-click). A delete question appears. Click on 'yes'.
Log on to The website is in Dutch.
Choose the blue button 'Routes' on your own page. Click on the button 'route x' to the right of the route to be deleted.
It is also possible to remove several routes at once.
Click on the button 'Meerdere routes verwijderen = Delete multiple routes'. Tick the routes to be deleted and click on 'Geselecteerde routes verwijderen = Delete selected routes'.
See also the instruction video on the website.
+ Adjusting a not yet saved route
As long as the route is not yet saved, you can change it by using the button 'take back last point'.
Once the route has been saved, it is only possible to modify it with a Fietsknoop[+]Plus account.
+ Creating routes without nodes
Fietsknoop is a digital planner for planning routes along the official nodes. Without an account, or with a basic account, only this network can be used. Anyone with a Fietsknoop[+]Plus account can create their own routes, as gpx tracks.
Go to the website and log in to your account. Click on the blue button 'Activiteiten' (= Activities) and choose 'Fietsen' (= Cycling) or 'Wandelen' (= Walking).
On the map, click with the mouse on the spot where you want to start the route. Click anywhere else and Fietsknoop will create the shortest route between the two points using the existing paths. Drag a point if you want to change the route.
Save the route and use it as an 'Activity'. As the route does not run through the nodes, no voice support is possible.
This feature is still under development.
+ To save a route in the app
Create a route and click on the green 'save' icon.
On the next screen, fill in the details and finally save with the dark blue 'Save' button. Return to the main menu and your saved route can be found in the 'Routes' list.
Is the route not to your liking, delete it by clicking on the 'trash' symbol.
+ Starting a route
Choose a route from 'Routes' and open it.
Click the grey line on the overlay screen or on the screen itself to make the overlay screen disappear.
Click Start to start the route.
Click the green R button to record the route. Then click on Start to begin the recording and the route.
Click the download icon to temporarily save the route map to your phone for offline use.
+ Show network
For a route, only the nodes used are shown. Sometimes you might also like to see the network with the surrounding nodes. That's possible!
At the bottom righthand corner of the map, you will see the eyelet symbol.
Click it and you can see the node network around the route. Clicking again clears the map so you can better read a place name or address.
Click the eyelet a third time and the route is shown again.
Are the nodes not yet visible? Then zoom in on the map.
+ Maximum length of a route
In principle, a route can be made endlessly long. When clicking on nodes, however, there is something to bear in mind.
The maximum distance between two selected nodes should not exceed about 100 kilometres. Calculating the intermediate route is otherwise too much of a burden on the server, especially on busy days on Fietsknoop.
For example, if you would like to plan a route from Maastricht to Groningen, choose a node every 100 kilometres or so. This way, you can plan your route with just a few clicks.
+ Cycling or hiking routes without planning
Cycling or hiking a route without planning it in advance - a so-called Free Route - is possible. You then make a gpx recording of your route. You will find it under 'Trips'.
Open the planner and click on the triangle in the green top bar.
Click Start to see your position on the map while cycling or hiking.
Click R (Record) to also record the route (only for Fietsknoop[+]Plus).
To see the nodes and paths present, click the little eye-symbol.
NB: when cycling or hiking a route, without pre-planning, voice support is of course not possible.
+ Trips: recordings and notes
In Trips, you can see when you made a recording of a route and which notes were added.
You can see the recording of a previously saved route, together with the original route.
You can also find the recording of a so-called free route (without nodes) here.
Write a note to your recording in Trips by clicking on the pen icon to the right of the title.
See also the instruction video on Trips at
+ How to create a route in the app
Open the app. Choose 'Biking' or 'Hiking'. Click on a node and then on another node. Fietsknoop will show the intermediate route via the node network.
Planning a slightly longer route in one go?
Use the text box to enter an address/place name/postcode.
Then click a node. Enter a new address and the map moves to this address. Click another node and Fietsknoop will create the route.
NB: do not choose place names too far apart. Fietsknoop can handle a distance of about 100 kilometres. So for longer routes, choose an intermediate address.
Is the route satisfactory? Save it by clicking the save symbol.
Give the route a name and any additional information. Save.
The route now appears in the Routes list. Can' t you see the new route? Scroll down the screen to refresh the page.
Are you creating a new route after this and the old route is still visible in the planning screen? Click on the bin symbol to empty the map.
+ Creating a route on the website
How to create a route on the website?
Log in to the website On your own page, choose the 'Planner' button.
Click on a node, click another node and Fietsknoop will show the shortest route via the node network.
Create the route this way and save when the route is ready.
Creating a slightly longer route? Use the text box at the top of the map to enter an address/postcode/city name.
Click on a junction. Enter a new address and click on the new node. Fietsknoop will create the route.
NB: For routes longer than 100 kilometres, you need to take an intermediate step.
Save and name the route.
You will find the route on the route overview 'Routes', via your dashboard.
By logging in to the app, these routes become visible in your account.
NB. the website is only available in Dutch. With the help of the automatic translation function in your browser, you could translate the website.
+ Sharing routes with Friends or everybody
You can convert a saved route from 'Do not share', to 'Friends' or 'Everybody'.
Open the route in your Routes list, and click on the archive icon on the overlay screen.
Indicate who the route is intended for and click on Save.
+ View Trips (recordings of routes) on the website
Log in to and click on the blue Trips button.
In the overview, you will find all your Trips, the most recent one at the top of the list. To see the recording of your Trip, click the 'Opnames' (= Recordings) button.
NB: the website is only available in Dutch. Using your browser's automatic translation function, you may be able to convert the website to your preferred language.
+ Adjusting route details in the app
Open the appropriate route in the 'Routes' list. Click the archive icon on the overlay screen.
Adjust the data and save.
Return to the 'Routes' list and refresh the screen if necessary by pulling it down.
Now the information has been saved properly.
+ Adjusting route details on website
Log in to
Click on the blue Routes button, top right.
Open the appropriate route.
Click the 'gegevens wijzigen' (= modify data) button in the green area above the map.
Adjust the data and save.
NB: The website is only available in Dutch. With the help of the automatic translation function in your browser, it may be possible to translate the website.
+ Quickly create a closed route
How to create a closed route in a few clicks?
Click on your starting node (1),
click on another node a little further away (2)
and elsewhere again (3).
Click the end point (your starting node) (1).
Fietsknoop plots the intermediate route for you.
Save the route.
+ Delete multiple routes
Easily delete multiple routes at the same time.
Log in to your account, click the blue 'Routes' button at the top right, then click the blue 'Meerdere routes verwijderen'( = Delete multiple routes) button.
Via the app, it is unfortunately not yet possible to delete multiple routes at the same time.
NB: the website is only available in Dutch. With the help of your browser's automatic translation function, you may be able to translate the website.
+ Search criteria for routes
Searching for a route in the large database is easy by using the various criteria or filters.
Search by province, area, distance, rating, for a particular type of bike, only Fietsknoop routes etc.
Click on the search option and make a selection.
Go to the page
and make a choice from the options by clicking on it.
#search #routes #distance #province #surroundings #criteria #filters
+ Route to starting point
Save the place where you park your car, or where you arrive by train, and quickly return to this place after completing your route.
Open the route and click the blue 'Route to starting point' button.
This saves your current location as your parking spot and the trip from your parking spot to the starting point of your route is shown on the map by a green dotted line.
Finished your route and want to return to your parking spot?
Click the P on the route screen to return to your parking spot.
See also the instruction video at
+ Route to starting point with Google Maps
The route to the starting point can be displayed via Google Maps.
Open the desired route. On the overlay screen, click the button with the Google Maps symbol.
NB navigating via Google Maps costs internet data.
For an explanation of the 'P route to starting point' button, see the manual and the instruction video at
+ Mates
Search and find your cycling or walking buddy. With Fietsknoop[+]Plus you can post a request. Everyone with a Fietsknoop account can respond to your request.
Click on the + sign to place your own request.
Fietsknoop is not an intermediary. Please read the 'Rules of application' carefully in advance.
See also the instruction video on
+ Info pins
Use info pins to place your own markers on the map. Possible with Fietsknoop[+]Plus.
Log in and go to the 'Info pins' screen.
Click on the correct spot on the map (via the blue location button at the bottom right, or type in an address in the text box at the top). Click on the map and the pin is placed. Enter a text, more info if you wish, and save it.
You can move the info pin elsewhere by sliding. By clicking on the pin, you can also remove it.
Log in and click on the blue Info Pin button on your own page. The procedure is the same as described for the app.
See also the instruction video at
+ Customising routes in the app
Log in to your account. Select the desired route from the 'Routes' list, open it, click on the green 'Route' bar on the overlay screen, and then click on the three dots at the top right to open the drop-down menu.
Choose "Edit" from the drop-down menu and you can take a point back at any time, then complete and save the route again at the right moment.
Tip: As a [+]Plus user you can also change the starting point or reverse the route. This can be useful to get a node to be deleted that is in the middle or at the beginning of the route close to the end point with the help of these two options. You do not have to go back as far in the route. Once the route is finished, set the original starting point again and/or turn the route around.
+ Adjust routes on the website
Log in to your account at Choose the blue button 'Routes' and open the correct route.
On the right side of the map you will see several green buttons. Choose 'Aanpassen' (=Adjust) to take back the route node by node in the blue node bar - by clicking the black circle with the white arrow - and add a node at the right spot. Is the route in order, click on the green 'Opslaan' (=save) button.
NB. The website is only available in Dutch. Read the tip below!
Tip: as a [+]Plus user you can also change the starting point or reverse the route. This can be useful to move a node that is in the middle or at the beginning of the route close to the end point with the help of these two options. This way you do not have to go back as far in the route. Once the route is finished, you can set the original starting point again and/or reverse the route.
+ Pausing or stopping the route
When you pause on a route and click on the square red button, you will - as a Fietsknoop[+]Plus user - be given the opportunity to choose between stopping and pausing.
If you click on Pause, then you will be able to continue your journey after restarting the GPS button. When you pause, Fietsknoop does not consider the route to be finished.
If you click on Stop, however, then Fietsknoop considers the route to be really finished, and will - after you start the route again - show it with a new starting point, namely where you are at that moment.
+ Purchase Fietsknoop[+]Plus
free account can be converted to an ad-free account with more functionality: a Fietsknoop[+]Plus account.
Go to the 'Account' screen. Click on the blue button '+ Buy Fietsknoop[+]Plus' and pay via Apple or Google.
Read the information at and Here it says how you can easily pay via iDeal, Bancontact or Giropay.
#account #fietsknoop-plus #purchase #pay #ideal #bancontact #giropay
+ Record a route without nodes
With Fietsknoop[+]Plus you can record your own, free route. However, no voice support is possible here!
In the planner, click on the triangle in the top bar.
Then click the green R (record) button to record the route.
Next, click the green Start button.
To see the node network, click on the eyelet.
This recording of this route can be found under 'Trips'.
+ Reverse route direction
Reversing the driving direction of your own route is easy when you have a Fietsknoop[+]Plus account.
Open the route in 'Routes'. Click on the overlay screen, and then click the multiple-choice menu at the top right.
Choose Reverse.
Log in to the website. On your personal page, choose the blue 'Routes' button. Select the right route from your list and open it.
To the right of the map, you will see green buttons. Choose 'Omdraaien' (= Reverse).
+ Copy routes
Open the relevant route in 'Routes'.
Click on the overlay screen, then click on the multiple-choice menu at the top right.
Choose 'copy'.
Choose 'yes' at the confirmation question whether you would like to copy. You will find the copied route in 'Routes'.
Log in to the website. On your personal page, choose the blue 'Routes' button. Select the relevant route from your list and open it.
To the right of the map, you'll see green buttons. Choose 'Kopiëren' (= Copy).
+ Change starting point of the route
Changing the starting point of a route is easy with a Fietsknoop[+]Plus account.
NB: changing a starting point can only be done for a closed round trip and for your own route!
Open the relevant route in 'Routes'.
Click on the overlay screen and then click on the multiple-choice menu at the top right.
Choose 'Starting point'.
Click the appropriate node in the list and confirm with 'ok'.
Log in to the website. On your personal page, choose the blue 'Routes' button. Select the relevant route in your list and open it.
To the right of the map, you will see green buttons. Choose 'Startpunt' (= Starting point). In the node list, click on the correct new start node.
+ Verify routes
The node network changes from time to time. Would you like to know if your routes are still correct? Fietsknoop[+]Plus offers the 'verify' function for this purpose.
log on to or use the green 'Login' button in the top bar of the website.
Go to 'Routes'. On the Route Overview screen, there is a 'Controle' (= Verify) button. Click this and Fietsknoop will show you which route is no longer correct.
Open a route from the 'Routes' list. Click on the multiple choice menu at the top right and choose 'Verify[+]'. Adjust the route. For further instruction on this, see 'Adjust routes in app' or 'Adjust routes on website' in this manual.
+ Reusing recorded route (Trip) (website)
A recorded route (trip) can be reused by reading it in as an 'Activity'.
Log in to the website,, or use the green 'log in' button in the top bar of the website. On your own page, choose the blue Trips button (top right).
Click on the appropriate route and it will be displayed.
Select the green 'Activity' button (to the right of the map) to read the route into the 'Activities' overview.
After the route is placed in 'Activities', it can also be found in the app in the 'Activities' screen. Open the preferred route and you can use it again.
+ Recording a route
Open the required route.
Click on the R symbol (= record), after which it is displayed in red. Then click Start. The recording is saved in Trips.
Would you like to watch the recording later?
Go to Trips and open the appropriate route.
Also watch the instruction video on about Trips.
Would you like to see the nodes and the network in the recording?
Click on the eye symbol in the bottom right corner of the map.
+ Smartwatch
The smartwatch support (Fietsknoop[+]Plus) does not take place with a separate WatchApp but simply via notifications that you can receive on your smartwatch.
In the settings app on your phone, belonging to the smartwatch, indicate that the app Fietsknoop is allowed to send you notifications. It is also necessary that your phone is allowed to send notifications to the app Fietsknoop.
iOS users will be asked the first time a route is opened whether Fietsknoop can send notifications. Confirm this and then it works automatically. Android users from Android 13 onwards are asked the same question the first time a route is opened. In older versions of Android, no question is asked.
Close the screen after starting the route.
NOTE: When using an iPhone or iPad, messages only appear on the Smartwatch if the iPhone or iPad screen is closed and locked.
You receive the notifications as soon as you approach a node of a route.
NB: it is important that the app Fietsknoop always has access to your location. And does the phone have a battery-saving option? Specify that the app Fietsknoop may also be used in the background.
+ Sharing your own recorded route with others
An own recording of a route cannot be shared but you can create a GPX download of the recording and send it to others.
Log in with your Fietsknoop account on the website at
Choose the blue 'Trips' button.
Open the appropriate route.
On the route map, you'll find a download button.
Download the gpxtrack. Send it by e-mail.
NB: the website is only available in Dutch. With the help of your browser's automatic translation function, you may be able to translate the website.
+ Overview of all your own cycled or hiked routes
The website shows exactly which routes you have already walked or cycled, and which recordings you have made of them.
Log on to
Click on the blue 'Routes' button, then click on 'kaart' (= map).
On the opened map, you will find a button 'all routes' and 'all recordings'.
This is also visible in the app. In the 'Routes' screen, click on the map symbol on the far right in the green top bar. On the next screen, the symbols for 'All routes' and 'All recordings' are visible in the top green bar. Click on these.
Only for Fietsknoop[+]Plus
NB: The website is only available in Dutch. With the help of the automatic translation function of your browser, it may be possible to convert the website to the desired language.
+ Edit Mates request
You can adjust an existing Mates request by pretending to place a new request. Fietsknoop recognises that you already have a request and shows this request so that you can change or edit it.
App: click on the puppet-plus symbol
Website: click on the button Post or edit your call
+ Add photo to route
With a Fietsknoop[+]Plus account, you can add a photo to your own saved route.
Log in at Sign in
Open the desired route from your Routes list.
Above the map you will find an upload box. Use this to upload your photo. Maximum size 2MB
it is not possible to add a photo to your route via the app.
+ Map view: terrain or satellite
On the website, it is possible to switch between a map view of the terrain or a satellite view.
Log in with your Plus account on login and go to the planning screen.
At the bottom left, it is possible to switch between the terrain or satellite view.
Unfortunately, this is not yet possible in the app.
+ Plus nodes [+]
A Plus node is a self-placed node, which you can apply to your route. Useful when you want to deviate from the existing node network.
Log in to your account and open the planning screen to create a walking or cycling route.
Plan your route as usual.
Click on the map to add a Plus node and confirm with 'yes'.
Click on the placed Plus node and Fietsknoop shows the route to it, starting from the last chosen node.
Create new Plus nodes and connect them to the previous Plus node, or click on a regular node to continue planning via the official node network.
You can move Plus nodes around on the map. Fietsknoop automatically adjusts the route.
When finished, save the route in the usual way. Plus nodes are shown in the height profile and in the nodes list.
It is possible to first place a number of Plus nodes and then create a route. Have you placed a number of Plus nodes but not used them? They disappear automatically when you start creating a new route.
You can also quickly double-click on the Plus node to be deleted.
NB. A Plus node can only be placed on the planner screen. Has the route been saved and would you like to insert a new Plus node in this route? Then click 'Edit' first, so the map enters planner mode. Place the Plus node, adjust the route and save.
Plus nodes can only be placed by Fietsknoop[+]Plus users. However, a route with Plus nodes can be shared with Friends or anyone else.
Plus nodes are visible on the map, and are also mentioned by voice support. Of course, you won't find a sign with your Plus node on the side of the road. During these track sections of your route, you have to navigate on the map.
See also the instruction video about Plus nodes on the video page, and the manual on Fixed Plus nodes.
+ Add and remove Plus nodes
Above the planner map on the website, you can indicate whether you want to place Plus nodes yourself (left) or whether you want to place your Fixed Plus nodes (right)
In the app:
Click on the planning screen to add a Plus node.
Quickly double-click the Plus node to remove it.
Click the + sign in the green bar to put the Fixed Plus nodes in the app on the planning screen.
+ Place info pin in route
Would you like to place an info pin in a saved route? That's easy to do in the app.
Open Settings and activate the Edit pins on route screen option.
Then open the preferred route and click on the screen. You can now place an info pin.
+ Reusing recorded route (Trip) (app)
A recorded route (Trip) can be reused by reading it as an 'Activity'.
Open the desired route in Trips.
Click on the multiple-choice menu, at the top right.
Click on 'Create Activity [+]'.
The route can now be found under Activities.
+ Creating fixed Plus nodes
Open the Plus nodes [+] screen from the multiple-choice menu.
Click on the map where you would like to place a fixed Plus node and give it a name. Use only letters and numbers, do not use accent marks or other non-letter characters.
Click on the Plus node to rename or delete the Plus node.
Move the Plus nodes with your finger if it is not in the right place.
How do you show the fixed Plus nodes on the map? Open the planning screen and click on the + symbol with circle in the green top bar. The fixed Plus nodes are now visible with their names attached.
All your fixed Plus nodes are placed on the map together. You decide whether you want to use them or not.
See also the instruction video about Fixed Plus nodes.
+ Note and date on a route
A saved route can be given a note and a date indication, such as the date the route was actually cycled or walked.
Open the saved route from the lists 'Routes'. Click the calendar icon in the top green bar. On the next screen, click the calendar icon with + sign to create a new note or add a date to the route. Click 'Save'.
In the list Trips, all routes with a note or a date are saved. Recordings of routes can also be found in Trips. For more information on Trips, see the other manual questions on this subject.
+ Creating fixed Plus nodes on the website
Log in to your account on the website. On your own dashboard page, click the blue Routes button, top right.
On the opened routes page is the blue button 'Je vaste Pluspunten maken' (= Create your fixed Plus nodes). Click this button.
Click on the map where you want to place a fixed Plus node, using the mouse to drag the Plus node to another location if necessary. Click on the Plus node to add, edit or delete the text. Use only letters and numbers, do not use accent marks or other non-letter characters. You can place up to 50 fixed Plus nodes.
When creating a route, you can place your fixed Plus nodes on the map by clicking the blue button above the planner map.
+ Delete fixed Plus nodes on website
Log in to your account on the website and click on the blue Routes button. Then click the blue button Je vaste Pluspunten maken (= Create your Fixed Plus nodes).
On the overview map of Fixed Plus nodes, click on the Plus node to be removed. Choose Verwijderen (= Delete).
Or click on the overview map of Plus nodes and delete the desired Plus node.
+ Delete fixed Plus nodes in app
Log in to your account in the app and open the Plus nodes page.
Click on the Plus node to be removed. Choose Verwijderen (= delete).
+ Routes, Trips and Activities
What is the difference between Routes, Trips and Activities?
A Route is a node route, based on the official node network of nodes and intermediate road sections.
A Trip is a recording of a cycled or walked route, and/or a route with a note taken. (
An Activity is a read-in gpx track. This need not be based on the official node network, this can be made anywhere on the map. It is therefore also possible to read in a gpx file created in a planner other than Fietsknoop.
See and
An Activity cannot simply be converted to a Route because there is
- no node information is included in a gpx file
- an Activity can have been created anywhere on the map, without a connection to the official network.
+ MiniNavi
MiniNavi (only with Fietsknoop[+]Plus) shows your route without a map, but with all nodes and the route course. Your route is thus clearly visible.
You can easily switch to the route with map and back again.
Start the preferred route and click on the black square shown on the left.
Click on the nodes bar to return to the map.
See also the video
+ Sharing routes with one Friend
From app version 5.5.2 (February 2025), it is possible to share a route with one Friend, instead of all Friends.
Open the route, and click on the envelope symbol on the overlay screen.
Choose the Friend's name and click the blue Send button.
The Friend immediately receives the route and can add the route to his or her own list of Routes.
Want to share your route with all Friends? Save the route as ‘share with Friends’, using the archive icon on the overlay screen. See manual item ‘Sharing routes with Friends or everybody'.
+ Used nodes [+]
With a Plus account, you can quickly see on the planning screen which nodes you have already used in your saved routes.
Open the planning screen. Click the multiple-choice menu at the top right (the three white dots). Select Show all routes [+].
On the map, you see the previously used nodes with a yellow highlight, and your saved routes as black dotted lines.
Log in to your account on the website and open the planning screen. To the right of the map there are several green buttons.
Click on ‘Alle routes (= All routes)’ and on the map you will see previously used nodes with yellow shading and your saved routes as black dotted lines.
+ No connection possible
An internet connection is necessary for the proper functioning of Fietsknoop. Always give Fietsknoop permission for your location in the general settings of your phone.
NB. Your location is only known to Fietsknoop during the route. After finishing your route, all data used by Fietsknoop will be deleted.
If the app fails and doesn't seem to work properly, it can help to stop the app and remove it from your to-do list. Then restart it and see if Fietsknoop is now working properly.
If this still doesn't work, remove the Fietsknoop app from your device and reinstall it from the app store. Please log in again to gain access to your account.
+ How can GPS accuracy be increased?
Open 'Settings'. Under the tab 'GPS settings' you can set the GPS accuracy. The more accurate, the more energy the phone will consume.
+ Download GPX file for use in bike computer
Open the required route, click on the mail symbol, enter the appropriate email address and indicate that you would like to include a GPX file.
Log in and open the appropriate route. Click on the GPX download button.
+ GPS is not functioning properly
In your phone's general settings, it is possible to give the Fietsknoop application access to your location. Make sure this access is set to ALWAYS.
If the GPS is still not functioning properly, it may be useful to disable the battery saving option in your phone's general settings.
+ Read GPX file into Fietsknoop as 'activity'
Import a GPX file via your own dashboard in the Fietsknoop website (only for Fietsknoop[+]Plus users).
Log in to Click on the blue button 'Activiteiten = Activities' and then on 'Lees GPX bestand in = Import GPX file'.
After importing, the GPX file automatically appears in the app, under 'Activities'. Open - in the 'Activities' screen - the imported route. Using the Fietsknoop GPS function, you can use the route again. No voice support is possible, however.
Sometimes a GPS route is saved as .bin Change this to .gpx and save the file.
+ Deviation from route
When you deviate from your planned route, Fietsknoop will warn you with the question 'Are you still on track'?
Once you are back on the route, you will hear 'Welcom back on track!'
Note: it may take a while for Fietsknoop to gauge your position and be sure you are back on the correct route.
+ Voice support
Fietsknoop's voice support is not a complete navigation. You will not be warned at every intersection. Fietsknoop does indicate in time when you approach the set node and Fietsknoop will also tell you what the next node is.
How often you would like to be warned, you can set yourself in 'Settings', and 'Navigation settings'.
NB: give the app Fietsknoop permission to use your location at all times. Arrange this in your phone's general settings.
+ MTB and GPX routes
At, you will find GPX and MTB cycling and hiking routes created by Fietsknoop users.
Use the 'download' button on the map to download this route as a GPX file, or scan the QR code above the map.
+ Reading GPX file into Mio cycle computer (website)
Plot and save a route on Fietsknoop.
Click on 'Download GPX'. Choose 'Bestand opslaan' (= Save file). The file will then end up in your default download folder.
Connect the Mio to your computer via the USB cable and switch it on.
Two drives will now normally appear on your computer: Mio_system and Mio_data.
Copy the GPX file you just downloaded to Mio_dataDodgeTracks.
Wait a moment to give the device time to synchronise.
Switch off the Mio and disconnect it from your computer.
Switch the Mio on again.
Go to 'Navigate' and then 'Tracks'. If done correctly, you can now see the Fietsknoop track in the list.
(Unfortunately, the Fietsknoop website is only available in Dutch. With the help of the automatic translation function in your web browser, you may be able to have the website translated).
+ Reading GPX file into Garmin bike computer
Garmin bike computer users report the following procedure:
Download the gpx file of your Fietsknooproute on your computer.
Connect the Garmin to your computer via USB.
Put the gpx file in the 'Garmin/newfiles' folder and disconnect the Garmin from your computer.
Garmin will automatically create a course from the file. Look under Navigation->Courses->Saved Courses
+ Share an Activity
You can share an Activity (a gpx route) with others. This GPX route then becomes visible on the GPX routes page on the Fietsknoop website, and in the list of GPX routes in the app.
Open the Activity. Click on the note icon. Set the Activity to share with 'everyone' and save.
+ Read GPX file directly into Fietsknoop as Activity
(app version 5.4.1 or higher)
Only with Fietsknoop[+]Plus
Do you have a GPX file on your phone or tablet and would you like to read it directly into Fietsknoop as Activity?
The first time you may need to perform several steps, after that a new GPX file will probably be able to be opened and read directly by Fietsknoop as an Activity. The instruction below is a rough guide and may vary slightly by type of phone/tablet.
For Android: Long click on the relevant GPX file. Open the multi-choice menu on the screen and click 'Open with'. Click on the Fietsknoop 01 logo and the GPX file will be read as Activity.
For Apple: click on the relevant GPX file. Choose 'share'. Click on the Fietsknoop 01 logo and the GPX file will be read as Activity.
+ Activity: hiking or biking
An imported gpx track is saved as an Activity for biking by default. This can be quickly changed to hiking if the gpx track is a hiking route.
open the appropriate route in Activities and click on the notes icon.
Below the title is the option to indicate whether it is a bike route or a hiking route. Make a choice and click 'save'.
Open the appropriate route from the 'Activities' list. Click on 'gegevens wijzigen'(= change data). In the overlay screen, you can indicate whether it is a bike route or a walking route. Make a choice and click on 'opslaan' (= save).
+ Set fixed start location app
Open the drop-down menu by clicking on the three horizontal dashes in the top left.
Select 'Settings'. Enter the desired start location and click on the check mark.
Clicking on the small house in the planner will immediately show the fixed start location that you have defined.
+ Scrolling the node bar of a route
While cycling or hiking a route, the node bar automatically slides along.
Would you prefer not to do this?
Go to 'Settings' and then 'Navigation settings'.
Here you will find the option 'Lock node bar while navigating'. Turn this option off, and you can scroll the node bar yourself while cycling or hiking.
+ Rotating map
Can the map rotate in the biking or walking direction?
Yes, go to 'Settings', then 'Screen settings'. Activate the 'Rotating map' option to rotate the map while cycling or walking.
While using the route, the north arrow is visible at the bottom of the map.
+ Sorting routes by date, by alphabet or by kilometres
Routes can be displayed and sorted in the app in three ways: by date, by alphabet (title), by kilometres.
Go to 'Settings', and specify which way you would like the routes to be shown.
There are more options on the website.
Log in and choose the blue 'Routes' button.
Above the route overview, you will find many more sorting options.
The website is only available in Dutch. With your browser's automatic translation function, it may be possible to translate the website.
+ Setting the cycling and walking speed
On the 'Settings' and 'General Settings' screen, you will find the option to set your cycling and walking speed.
+ Location permission
For Fietsknoop to function properly even in the background when the screen is locked, it is necessary that Fietsknoop always has access to your location. In previous versions of iOS and Android, this did not require user permission. Now, with tightened privacy requirements, we need to ask you for this.
You are not under any obligation to give permission for this, it's just that Fietsknoop will not work properly in the background.
In your phone's settings, you can indicate that the app Fietsknoop ALWAYS has permission to your location.
Your data will not be saved after use. One hour after the end of your cycling or walking tour, all data needed for GPS guidance during the route of Fietsknoop are deleted.
+ Zooming and shrinking map on website
For a good, full-screen view, click the 'maximise' button on the left of the map.
Click the 'minimise' button to return to the normal view.
+ Large or small icons in the node bar
In the 'Settings' menu, you can set whether you want the nodes of your route to be displayed 'large' or 'small'.
When showing large icons, it is possible to see the total distance, and the distance between two consecutive nodes.
When showing small icons, only the distance between two consecutive nodes is shown.
Use the option Distances in bar to show only the nodes.
+ Cycling or hiking without map view
Cycling or walking without map view is possible for those who are not Fietsknoop[+]Plus users, but would like to cycle or walk the route without the use of an internet connection.
Go to 'Settings', 'Screen settings' and de-activate the 'Route with map view' option.
+ Set fixed start location website
Log in to the website. On your own dashboard page, there are some blue buttons at the top right.
Click on the Profile button.
Enter your fixed start location and save.
When creating a new route, click the blue button with the set address on the map.
+ Customise start screen
The bottom two boxes of the app's start screen can be customised.
Go to Settings
Scroll down to Start screen
Click on one or both boxes and make a choice.
The chosen topics will now be shown on the Start screen.
+ Sort your own routes (app)
The routes in the Routes list can be displayed in various ways.
Open the Routes list and click the selection icon in the top green bar.
From the drop-down menu, select which type of route should be shown (cycling and walking routes, only cycling routes or only walking routes).
In addition, choose whether to see all saved routes, or only routes shared with Friends or with everyone, or whether to only show downloaded routes.
Finally, sort the routes by date, alphabet or kilometre distance.
+ Mobility scooter
From app version 5.5.3, it is possible to select ‘suitable for mobility scooter’ when saving a route.
+ The radar
For what do you use the Radar?
The radar shows on the map all active Fietsknoop users with a Fietsknoop account. The positions are anonymous. Your own active position is shown in orange.
You can only see other Fietsknoop users on the radar if you have specified in 'Settings' that others can also see your location.
+ Following someone on radar
Can someone follow me on radar?
Yes, but only if you give explicit permission to do so. No one can follow you without your knowledge, nor can they follow someone else without their knowledge.
What needs to be done to get someone to follow you?
Make sure you both have a Fietsknoop account with Fietsknoop[+]Plus and that you are Friends of each other (see also video about Friends).
In 'Settings', turn Radar ON.
Cycle or walk your route and turn on the GPS.
On the Radar, your location with name is visible to your Friend.
NB: it may take a while before your location is visible during the route.
+ Labels
A label allows you to quickly classify routes into groups. Only usable with a Fietsknoop account.
Open the Labels list.
Click on the +label symbol in the top right of the navigation bar.
Give a title and any additional information. Save.
Open the new label and click on + in the navigation bar.
Select the correct route.
Would you like to change the label yourself? Click on the 'label and pen' symbol.
Log in to the website and open the 'Labels' list.
Click on 'new label'.
Give it a title and save.
Click on the new label and add the route.
On the website, you will see per label the total kilometres of the routes assigned to this label.
See also the instruction video at
+ Place or street name reading
The node network is shown projected on the map. Sometimes the node or route line hides the place name or street name.
How to solve this?
In the app: Click on the 'eye' on the screen. There are three modes. Click once, and the node network becomes invisible. Click twice, and the route can be seen when it is opened. Click a third time, and the network is shown again on the map.
On the website: below the map you will find the option to make the node network invisible.
Click on the Network tab ('Netwerk'). Click again and the network is shown again.
NB: the website is only available in Dutch. With the help of your browser's automatic translation function, you may be able to translate the website.
+ Rotate screen
Can the app be used both horizontally (landscape) and vertically (portrait)?
Android: this depends on the type of device. Not every brand offers this possibility.
iPhone: with a [+]Plus account, it is possible to rotate the screen to the desired view.
+ Electric charging points
Electric charging points for your bike can be shown on the map.
Under ‘Settings,’ ‘Map settings,’ you can activate the option Charging points. On the map, electric charging points are shown as a green circle with a battery symbol. This option can also be found at the bottom of the map on the website.
+ Radar on the route map
While biking or hiking a route, it is possible to go directly to the radar screen to see fellow Fietsknoop users in your area.
Click the Radar button at the bottom right of the screen.
No access to the radar yet? On the 'Settings' screen, under 'Radar settings', specify that others may see your location.
With a Plus account, you can also find your active Friends on the radar.
+ Info bar with north arrow, distance, speed
At the start of a route, an info bar appears at the bottom left of the route map, showing
- the north arrow
- the distance travelled
- the distance to the next node
- the current cycling or walking speed.
Clicking on the vertical line on the far right suppresses this bar.
+ How to use the route offline
Fietsknoop can be used offline and the map can be downloaded with Fietsknoop[+]Plus. To do so, click on the 'download' icon on the map of your own route. Do you wish to use someone else's route offline? Then add this route to your own list of routes.
You can use the route with the help of the navigation bar and voice support.
NB: when leaving the route with the downloaded map to another page within Fietsknoop, the map information is lost.
It is however possible to open another app on the phone and then return to the downloaded map in Fietsknoop.
+ Synchronizing phone and tablet/pc
One account can be used on multiple devices. Saved routes and other information are synchronised with other devices by logging into your account.
+ Planner not visible
Reload the map by clicking on the three white dots at the top right of the green bar, then choose the Reload map option.
If this does not work, delete the app from your device and download it again with a good internet connection.
Also check 'Settings'. Is the option 'Route with map view' perhaps off? Turn this on, and the map will be visible.
+ Data consumption of the app
Data and energy consumption of Fietsknoop is similar to other apps. Depending on your phone type and on the set accuracy of the GPS, a little more or a little less energy will be used.
Tip: Displaying the map requires an internet connection. If you use the route 'offline', only a GPS connection will suffice and data consumption will be zero.
Using a route offline is set via 'Settings', 'Screen settings'. You will then only have the node bar and voice support at your disposal.
For Fietsknoop[+]Plus users, it is possible to download the route map in advance. While cycling or walking, the map is visible.
NB: Should you switch pages within the app, the map is unfortunately lost.
See also the manual question Using offline app.
+ To scan a QR code on the website
With the scan option in the Fietsknoop app, you can scan the QR code of a public Fietsknoop route on the website and thus easily add the route to your own route list.
Open the scan option by clicking on the camera icon in the green navigation bar and point the camera at the QR code on the website. Add the route by clicking on the red square with + sign.
The route will be saved in 'Routes'.
Is it not working? Hover the PC mouse over the QR code to enlarge it.
NB. It is not possible to scan and add a route when it was NOT created in Fietsknoop.
+ App does not work when screen is closed or stops automatically
Check in the phone's Settings whether a battery-saving function is set.
If so, specify that the app Fietsknoop should NOT be switched off when Fietsknoop is active in the background and/or when the screen is closed.
+ No contact with the server
Does the app give the message 'No contact with the server'? Very annoying.
There could be several reasons why your phone cannot reach the Fietsknoop server:
- You may be using a VPN connection. This often causes problems.
- Has an adblocker or virus scanner been put on your phone? If so, specify that Fietsknoop is a secure application and may have internet access. You can put the following on your whitelist: *
- Your browser cache may be contaminated. If so, please clear your browser's cache. Fietsknoop uses your browser internally.
- The DNS you are using is perhaps the blocker. Change the DNS to Google's, for example, ip address
- sometimes it helps to delete the app from your device, and download it again. There may have been something incorrectly installed during the last download.
+ Hike nodes
Saving a walking route has been possible since the release of app version 5.2.1 (January 2022).
However, the hike node network has not yet been plotted throughout the Netherlands.
+ Grey hiking nodes
On the hiking map, you sometimes come across grey hiking nodes. For example, in Flanders, near Antwerp or north of Brussels. This is a virtual network. The network exists only on the map, there are no roadside signs. To distinguish it from the 'normal' nodes, these hiking nodes are not shown in brown but in grey.
You create your route in the normal way and save it as usual. Are you going to use the route? Open the route from your Routes list and click Start. With the help of voice support and by following the road on the map, you will enjoy the most beautiful walks.
With Fietsknoop[+]Plus, you can also add your own Plus nodes to the hiking nodes.
+ Nodes missing or broken
Is a bike node missing in the Netherlands, is it broken or is it wrong?
Report this to You will also find a direct link on the website and on the app (screen 'Contact and info').
Node signs are managed by the local municipality or province. Fietsknoop does not have the responsibility for this.
Provide a clear description of the situation, preferably with a photo.
+ For which bike is the route suitable?
Unfortunately, Fietsknoop is not yet able to state the road surface type. We are not able to find a complete, reliable and digital file that indicates this. If we find it, we will immediately add it to Fietsknoop.
When saving a route, you can indicate for which type of bicycle the route is suitable.
+ How do I post a review on Google Play or iTunes?
At the top of the menu are several buttons. Depending on your device type, the Apple symbol or the Google symbol can be found here. Click on it and you can immediately write a review.
Thank you very much!
+ LF Routes
What is an LF route (Langeafstand Fietsroute)? This is a national longdistance cycle route.
In the Netherlands and Belgium, various routes have been set out by, among others, the Stichting Landelijk Fietsplatform, which are signposted separately over a longer distance.
These routes do not always fully follow the node network.
Fietsknoop offers these 21 routes as a 'Tour of the Netherlands' (= Ronde van Nederland), Ronde van Nederland (
See also and
+ Fietsknoop in English, German or French
The app opens in Dutch. Click on the letters NL in the green top bar. A selection menu with 4 flags will appear. Click on the desired flag and click OK.
The app has been converted to the language of your choice.
The website is partly, but not yet fully, available in German, French and English.
Several web pages have already been translated. These pages can be recognised by the flag symbols at the top of the page.
+ Printing routes
Log in via or using the green 'Inloggen' (= log in) button at the top right of screen.
Click on the blue 'Routes' button, and open the appropriate route.
On the map, you can choose from a few options.
'Afdrukken' (= to print) is to print route map and nodes list.
'Knooppunten' (= nodes) is to print only a node list, where you have the choice of how many columns this should be printed in. It's even possible to print in 'knooppunter' format.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to print directly from the app. However, you can e-mail the node list of the route to yourself, and optionally send a gpx file along with it.
To do so, click on the mail icon on the route overlay screen.
+ Ferries
Fietsknoop's map shows all ferries in the Netherlands. You can recognise them by this symbol:
Click on the ferry symbol and the pop up window will show the sailing times.
Slide up the text in the pop up window to go to the website link.
This website provides more information about the respective ferry.
This information is the responsibility of Fietsknoop is not liable for changes at ferry sites.
+ Share routes on social media
On the overlay screen of a route, click the 'share' icon.
Copy the web address from the browser and post it on your Facebook or Insta account.
+ Legend
Fietsknoop uses the map of Open Street Map. Click on the link to view the map's legend.
+ Dark mode
The app can be used with Dark Mode on. However - for the sake of readability - the map will be displayed in normal mode.
+ Is there a Windows app of Fietsknoop?
There is no Windows app for Fietsknoop available. On your PC, use the website
This website is only available in Dutch. With the help of your browser's automatic translation function, you can convert the website to the desired language.
+ Is the Fietsknoop website secure?
The Fietsknoop website is available entirely via https. Please use All communication from the app to our servers is also via a fully secure connection.
No unnecessary tracking cookies are placed.
Only data necessary for the proper functioning of the website are collected.
+ Blank nodes in Amsterdam
There are few official nodes in Amsterdam. Only the city centre and peripheral areas contain nodes. There are many intersecting links, however, which are not official nodes. To still be able to plan freely over this network, we have added numberless nodes. These can be clicked on and used like a normal node in the planner. This way, you can create your own route through the city. So in practice, these numberless nodes have no meaning.
We do not know the reason why there are few official nodes in Amsterdam.
Blank nodes are also used in some cases in other regions of the Netherlands.
+ What is the address of a node?
Click on the node list of a route on the overlay screen and you will find all the addresses for each node.
on the right-hand side of the map is the icon for the node list with the address for each node.
+ QR code
The QR code is only visible on routes shared with everyone.
In the app, you can convert a 'private' route to a public route by opening the route, clicking on the archive icon on the overlay screen and then making the route public by clicking on 'Everybody'. Then click on 'save'.
Converting a 'private' route to a public route can also be done via the website.
Log in to your account on the website, via
On your personal page, click on the blue 'routes' button.
Open the required route. Click on the green 'gegevens wijzigen' (= change data) button above the map. Indicate that the route may be public and save the changes.
The QR code is now visible above the map.
+ Poor road maintenance
Unfortunately, Fietsknoop does not manage the network, node signs or road maintenance. Fietsknoop is only a digital planner along the bike and hike nodes.
You can, however, report to in the Netherlands. This website alerts the appropriate (regional) manager.
In the app, on the 'Contact and info' screen, you will find a direct link to Meldpunt Routes via the button 'Node missing in the Netherlands'.
Here there is also a button to the reporting point in Flanders, 'Node missing in Flanders'.
There are also two links on the website: to Meldpunt Routes in the Netherlands, and to the hotline in Flanders.
Click on the link below to go directly to this web page:
Contact us (
NB: the website is only available in Dutch. With the automatic translation function of your web browser, it may be possible to translate the website.
+ Create QR code
Every route that is public is automatically given a QR code on the website. This allows someone else to easily add the route to their own list.
Create a route, save it and specify that the route can be found by 'everybody'.
Click on Save.
The QR code is visible on public routes on the website.
NB: the website is only available in Dutch. With the help of your browser's automatic translation function, you may be able to translate the website.
+ Cookies
Fietsknoop does not offer any choices regarding cookies.
Our privacy policy page states that we only collect data necessary for the proper functioning of our website. These are so-called functional cookies.
According to the Consumer Market Authority, this is permitted. See
Fietsknoop does not share these data with third parties.
For this reason, Fietsknoop does not offer a choice regarding the acceptance of cookies, nor is Fietsknoop obliged to offer this choice.
+ Web service
With a (free) Fietsknoop account, you can create and save routes. If, when saving, you indicate that you want to share the route with 'everybody', the route will appear on our public route page after about 15 minutes.
In the app, the route can be found under 'Search'.
Anyone can now copy this route for their own use.
If you want to offer more routes and have your own website, you can use our web service to get your routes automatically on your site. Read more about this at
+ Parking places
The Fietsknoop map shows many parking places.
TOPs (tourist transfer points with free parking spaces) are indicated by their own logo.
Public parking places, indicated by the blue letter P, can be found by zooming in sufficiently on the map.
+ Showing restaurants
By default, Fietsknoop shows the addresses of Cyclists Welcome and Rest Points, and restaurants/cafes/lunchrooms that advertise themselves on the map.
By logging in to your Plus[+] account, you can see where else restaurants can be found.
In 'Settings', indicate whether you want the restaurant symbol to be shown.
This is also visible on the website. Click on the 'Restaurants' button below the map.
+ Ascending and descending, arrows on the route.
When a route goes up or down significantly, it is marked with arrows.
The arrows become visible when you plan your route.
They indicate an incline or decline of about 5-10%.
The tip of the arrow points in the direction of the rise, i.e. upwards.
+ Notification de ferry
While planning your route, a notification about ferries may appear out of the blue.
This happens when your route has a ferry connection. When planning a route this is not always immediately obvious.
With this notification you are alerted even while planning that there is a ferry.
By clicking on the ferry symbol on the map, you can find out what the sailing times are.
See also the other tutorial question on ferries.
+ Rating routes in the app
Have you added someone else's route to your list 'Routes' and liked it?
You can easily rate the route with a few stars.
Open the route from your list 'Routes'.
On the overlay screen you will find the star symbol.
Click it and choose the number of stars you want to give it.
Add any text you want, and save.
The rating and text are now visible to everyone. The owner of the route will receive an automatic message about this rating.
It is not possible to rate your own routes.
+ Rating routes on the website
Have you added someone else's route to your list 'Routes' and liked it?
You can easily rate the route with a few stars.
Log in to the website and open the route from your list 'Routes'.
In the information box above the map, you will find a blue 'Rating' button (when no stars have been given yet), or a blue button with stars (when the route has already been rated by someone).
Click it and choose the number of stars you want to give.
Add a text if necessary, and save.
The rating and text are now visible to everyone. The owner of the route will receive an automatic message about this rating.
It is not possible to rate your own routes.
+ Newsletter
The newsletter can be read in four languages.
By default, the newsletter is displayed in Dutch.
By clicking on the German, English or French flag, you can read the translation in your preferred language.
You find these flags on the green top bar of the newsletter, and often also halfway through the newsletter.
The newsletter can be found on the website, see NEWSLETTER.
+ App version
The 'Contact and Info' screen shows which app version you are using.
Do you not have the latest version? Go to the Apple App Store or Google Playstore and search for the app Fietsknoop. Click the 'update' button to download the latest version.
+ Works or other obstacles en route
On a road section between two nodes, a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark is sometimes shown. It is a warning.
This means that something is going on on this road section, such as long-term roadworks. It may also mean that this road section may be closed due to certain circumstances, such as when it runs over a military domain.
Is there such a warning on the route you are planning? If so, it will be made visible at the top left of the map with a similar yellow triangle with an exclamation mark.
+ Location rights for the app Fietsknoop
Fietsknoop is a navigation app that allows you to cycle or walk routes. To properly guide you while cycling or walking, Fietsknoop needs to know your location.
We need your permission to do so. For the proper functioning of the app Fietsknoop, set the location permission to Always, so that the app can follow you during the route, even when the phone screen is closed and the app is running in the background.
Fietsknoop handles your location data with care. One hour after finishing your route, all location data used are completely deleted from the Fietsknoop servers.
+ Reload map
Sometimes it appears that you are somewhere where internet coverage is poor or even absent. This affects the display of the map: due to the disruption of the connection with the Fietsknoop server, no map can be displayed temporarily. You have a grey area on your phone!
Quickly reload the map by clicking on the + or - sign.