Fietsknoop app
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No contact with the server

Does the app give the message 'No contact with the server'? Very annoying.
There could be several reasons why your phone cannot reach the Fietsknoop server:

- You may be using a VPN connection. This often causes problems.

- Has an adblocker or virus scanner been put on your phone? If so, specify that Fietsknoop is a secure application and may have internet access. You can put the following on your whitelist: *

- Your browser cache may be contaminated. If so, please clear your browser's cache. Fietsknoop uses your browser internally.

- The DNS you are using is perhaps the blocker. Change the DNS to Google's, for example, ip address

- sometimes it helps to delete the app from your device, and download it again. There may have been something incorrectly installed during the last download.

#server #VPN #adblocker #virusscanner #cache #DNS

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